(the unmarked country is Slovakia)
IWWTPs with the flotation line EVHflot (project, delivery, implementation)
• Vilniaus Paukstynas, Vilnius (Lithuania) - the poultry plant
• Huhtamaki CR, Přibyslavice (Czechia) - the paper mill
• Milkpol, Czemacin (Poland) - the milk processing plant
• BaS, Zvolenská Slatina - the cheese and sheep cheese factory
• HSH, Veľké Zálužie - the poultry plant
• Lindström, Trnava - the industrial laundry
• Stryj (Ukraine) - the slaughterhouse and meat packing
• Sárvári HUKE (Hungary) - plastic recyclic plant
• EU Poultry, Horné Saliby - the poultry plant
(2xEVHflot12 + sludge management)
(2xEVHflot12 covered)
(EVHflot3 + sludge management)
(EVHflot3 + sludge management)
(container arrangement EVHflot1 + rotary screen
+ complete chemical management)
(EVHflot2 + rotary screen + complete chemical management)
IWWTPs with the EVHfilter coagulation reactor (project, delivery, implementation)
• KLAUKE Slovakia, Dolný Kubín - the galvanizing factory
• Jovaigé, Vydmantai (Lithuania) - the red beet processing plant
• CHIRANA-PREMA-Energetika, Stará Turá - the neutralization station
• ČEZ, Chvaletice (Czechia) - the power plant
• ČSAD, Praha-Tišnov (Czechia) - transport services
• IWWTP Veverské Knínice (Czechia) - for VHZ-DIS Company
• Saint-Gobain Vertex, Hodonice (Czechia) - the glass manufacturer
• Lahvárna I., Ostrava-Vítkovice (Czechia) - washing of steel bottles
• Lahvárna II., Ostrava-Vítkovice (Czechia) - washing of steel bottles
• ČEPRO, Klobouky u Brna (Czechia) - the fuel distributor
• ČEPRO, Smyslov (Czechia) - the fuel distributor
• Preciosa, Jablonné (Czechia) - the glass manufacturer
• WWTP Podivín (Czechia) – the tertiary stage
• for the Láník Co., Boskovice (Czechia) - the ceramic filters factory
• Aquapark Prague-Čestlice – for the Pecha Company (Czechia)
(EVHfilter1 + sludge management)
(EVHfilter1PP + sludge management)
(EVHfilter5 + washing machine line)
(EVHfilter2 + washing line)
(EVHfilter3 + sorbtion filters)
(EVHfilter5 – waters from washing of sand filters)
Other IWWTP and bioWWTP technologies – a greater capacity
• Town of Topoľčianky – project documentation, delivery and realization of the municipal WWTP technology change
• Mineral Waters, Prešov - Baldovce Works – complete bioWWTP AT750 + sludge management
• Liptov Food Society, Ružomberok – rotary screen for separation of potato peels from waste water
• Brewery Urpín, Banská Bystrica – delivery and realization of continual neutralization of process waters
• Industrial Park, Kechnec – reactor for water treatment with integrated lamellae + lamella sedimentation tank
• Neutralization Station DNV, Dubnica nad Váhom – project and delivery of sludge management (decanter)
• Mineral waters, Prešov - Lipovce Works – reconstruction of the bioWWTP secondary sedimentation tank
• A+Z, Veľké Úľany - the canning factory – delivery and realization of the rotary screen and lamella sedimentation tank for the irrigation system
• Vinárske závody Topoľčianky - the winery – delivery and realization of two-stage pretreatment of process waters
• Ryba, Bratislava - fish processing – project and delivery of ultrafiltration technology (recycling of used fish pickles)
• BATAS, Bratislava - the heating plant – part of project documentation and delivery of waste water treatment technology from the ionchange regeneration
• Asavet, Biřkov (Czechia) - the rendering plant – delivery and realization of intensification IWWTP + operating manual
• ASAP, Věž (Czechia) - the rendering plant – project, delivery and realization of the IWWTP intensification + operating manual
• Smurfit Kappa Obaly Štúrovo - the paper mill – reconstruction of sludge management (lamella dewatering press)
• slaughterhouse Nourus-Mäso Tešedíkovo - repasation of flotator unit, complete chemical management and sludge dewatering (lamellar dewatering press)
EVHdeo Deodorization units
• Municipal WWTP, Bratislava-Devínska Nová Ves
• Bioplyn Budča – biogas plant
• Municipal WWTP, Kokšov-Bakša
• BioWWTP Veverské Knínice (Czechia) – for the VHSplus Company
• BioWWTP České Budějovice (Czechia) – for the Spilka+Říha Company
• Delimax, Hodonín (Czechia) - the fish processing works – installation on the roof
• Municipal WWTP (60,000 PE), Náměšť nad Oslavou (Czechia) – for the Outulný Company
• BioWWTP Stod and BioWWTP Dobřany, (Czechia) – for the Kunst Company
• Municipal WWTP Moravský Krumlov (Czechia) – for the Hakov Company
• Břeclav and Mošnov (both Czechia) – WWTP mechanical pretreatment
(EVHdeo + airwashing machine)
(EVHdeo + airwashing machine)
Other smaller technologies for IWWTPs and BioWWTPs
• Tatrachema, Trnava - the housing chemistry manufacturer – delivery and realization of discontinual reactor EVHrea3 and the EVHkalos sludge management
• Nafta Gbely Laboratory, Plavecký Štvrtok (for Ekotrade Martin) – the IWWTP (EVHrea0,5) project and delivery
• FoxAuto Trade, Stará Turá - the carwash – delivery and realization of a smaller IWWTP
• CWS-boco Service Center SK, Bratislava-Devínska Nová Ves - the industrial laundry – neutralization of waste waters
• Vitis Pezinok - the winery – realization of waste water accumulation + operation manual for the sewage system
• I.D.C. Holding-Figaro, Trnava - the chocolate factory - project and realization of IWWTP technology (Krofta DAF-unit)
• Maroš, Trenčín - the meat-processing plant – project and realization of IWWTP technology (Krofta DAF-unit)
• Municipal WWTP Sabinov – fully automatic flocculation station (for the Arad SK Company)
• Municipal WWTP Hamuliakovo – delivery and assembly of machinery for secondary sedimentation tank
• Bonatrans, Bohumín (Czechia) - the rail vehicle manufacturer – delivery of a dewatering set
• Municipal WWTP, Velehrad (Czechia) – delivery and machinery assembly for the secondary sedimentation tank
• BioWWTP, Moravské Budějovice (Czechia) – for the VHZ-DIS Company – delivery of tank machinery equipment
• Municipal WWTP, Veľké Zálužie – delivery of chemical management plus measurement and control
• VAS, Mojšova Lúčka - the rendering plant – completion and assembly of the Bioflot DAF-unit
• Jasplastik Slovakia, Nitra – sand removing of the well water – lamella sedimentation tank
• Pumpkin & P, Lehota – delivery of the EVHflok140/11 rapid mixer (piping flocculator)
Project documentation (various degrees of PDs)
• Tamilk, Trnava - the milk processing plant – IWWTP technology PD (Krofta DAF-unit)
• Nourus-Mäso, Tešedíkovo - the slaughterhouse – PD for construction proceeding (EVHflot3 + bioWWTP + sludge management)
• Cimbaľak, Kurima - the slaughterhouse – PD IWWTP (EVHflot1) + bioWWTP + sludge management
• Mozyr (Belarus) - the milk processing plant – technology for PD IWWTP (EVHflot12 + sludge management)
• Municipal WWTP, Čachtice – PD for the complete reconstruction and intensification of WWTP, and sludge management
• Slovnaft, Považská Bystrica-Orlové - the fuel station and carwash (for the Portik Company) – Ph-ChWWTP PD
• Chemosvit Folie, Svit - the foil manufacturer (for Ekoservis SK Company) – part of the PD Ph-ChWWTP – waste water from surface treatment of plastics
• Sladovna, Hodonice (Czechia) - the malt house – sewage system operations manual and IWWTP
• Spolchemie, Pardubice (Czechia) - chemical production – for the Cheming Company – IWWTP PD
• WWTPs Paseky, Jevišovice, Lednice, Jilemnice (Czechia) – realization PD of the WWTPs machinery
• WWTP Břeclav and WWTP Strážnice (both Czechia) - for the JVprojekt Company - realization PD of WWTP machinery and technology
• Vegum Dolné Vestenice, and the village of Mojmírovce - projects for the direct application of stabilized activated sludge on the soil
• CHIRAGAL Stará Turá - galvanizing plant - project documentation for approval process Ph-Ch WWTP (Rebeka 05)
• CH-PRINT Stará Turá - production of printed wiring boards - project documentation for approval process Ph-Ch WWTP (Rebeka 05)
Small recycling Ph-Ch WWTP Rebeka
→ about 1,700 implementations altogether in many countries all over the world (mostly in carwashes and carservices)